Predict Britney's Death And Win A PS3

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Predict Britney's Death And Win A PS3....

Sick U.S. website is offering a PlayStation 3 for anyone who correctly picks the date and time of Britney Spears' death.

The website has been inundated with responses from people who think the troubled pop star is set for an untimely demise.

A posting on the site reads, "A couple of years ago she looks stunning and was a wet dream for every man. But for some reason Britney also landed in a self-destruction derby.

"Guess her final breath and be crowned Mr. or Mrs. Death. Winner will be rewarded with a PS3".

According to the site, 10,000 predictions have already been made, with many of those taking part suggesting Spears will die from an overdose, suicide or a heart attack later this month (Jan08).

Some of those offering guesses about Spears' demise have even posted obituaries.

One writes, "Shame on you for throwing your life away".

The website was created on 4 January (08) - a day after the pop star was committed to hospital for a psychiatric evaluation following an apparent breakdown at her home.
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